Fandango Jarocho in the Pandemic

Very proud of this work with La Peña Cultural Center. In addition to filming and editing a new series of short films with La Peña, Musiquito Media provided consulting services, event coordination and logistical support on the project, working closly with the La Peña executive team. We were also grateful to be able to bring in the extremely talented Raul Verela, Bethanie Hines and Gavin Jones on another fantastic project.

“Fandango Jarocho in the Pandemic” features the amazing work of DíaPaSón, an ensemble that has been crucial in the task of maintaining the Mexican tradition of Son Jarocho alive in the Bay Area through performances, fandangos, community meetings, and education.

María de la Rosa, DíaPaSón’s artistic director, is a key cultural bearer in the Bay Area whose constant exchange with Veracruz (México) had to shut down in March of 2020, along with the many events & community jams that she’d continuously held at La Peña.

In this short documentary, we explore the creative ways in which a cultural tradition like Son Jarocho —specifically its Fandangos— can adapt to current challenges, re-thinking the power of physical gathering and finding new ways to build community while we take care of ourselves. All of this while we listen to beautiful sones and witness amazing dance performances!

Presented by La Peña Cultura Center

Produced by Jeremy Allen, Musiquito Media, Consuelo Tupper, and Bianca Torres

Special thanks to:

Aguacero - Bomba y Plena Workshop |

Gavin Jones, Duvateen Sound

Raul Varela, camera |

Guillermo Rivas, photography

Bethanie Hines, photography |

Preservation Park, Oakland

William & Flora Hewlett Foundation


Brower Youth Awards 2021


Rose Foundation 2021 FilmFest